uSirius, uXM, and uSirius StarPlayr Retired

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Today, I have some sad news.

By the time you read this, many of you already know that uSirius StarPlayr for the iPhone project has been retired.

Unfortunately, the same is being done to the standalone uSirus and uXM PC applications. Effective immediately, March 8th, 2009, both applications have been discontinued and will no longer be available for download. I regret having to do so, but it is in the best interest of Millard Software.

I started working on uSirius and uXM back in December 2006. The goal was simple -- bring satellite radio to uPnP devices. Since that time, uSirius and uXM, (with TVersity and ORB) has enabled tech savvy fans to enjoy satellite radio on almost every major cellphone, game console, and media device.

In May of 2008, a uSirius fan encouraged me to develop Sirius and XM native iPhone applications. I had never done any OS X programming before so I was up for the challenge. Early in June, uSirius and uXM were released for jailbroken iPhones running 1.1.4 firmware.

In December, NiceMac LLC contacted me to see if I would consider a joint effort between uSirius and StarPlayr. The result of that two month effort, uSirius StarPlayr, is without a doubt the proudest accomplishment in my professional career.

With that said, I would like to thank everyone who has supported uSirius, uXM, and uSirius StarPlayr. If you were a beta tester or just a fan, your comments, emails, support, and donations have been extremely appreciated.

In closing, if anyone is looking for an iPhone developer to work on a project unrelated to satellite radio, please feel free to contact me.

Millard Software